Teignbridge & District Fullbore Club © 2009-2025 All rights reserved | Terms of Use
Timed & Precision 3
Any sights
Targets: 1 x TP3 (LBP & LBR)
Position: Standing unsupported, kneeling, sitting
Ready position: holstered hammer down (LBR)
or holstered, slide forward on an empty chamber (LBP)
This event takes approximately 30 minutes to complete
There is a maximum shooting time of 5 minutes 30 seconds allowed for the whole event. Each competitor will be supervised by a Range Officer with a timer to monitor their total shooting time. The timer is started when the targets appear for each practice and is stopped when the LBP or LBR is holstered at the end of each practice and hands are returned to the surrender position. The competitor may ask how much time remains once only during the whole event.
Once the shooting time has elapsed, the competitor will be stopped
It requires 50 rounds The maximum possible score is 250
Practice 1 10m
The target will make one appearance of 15 seconds
The competitor will fire 10 shots standing unsupported.
Practice 2 25m
5 shots right hand standing using barricade for support, LBR double action only
5 shots left hand standing using barricade for support, LBR double action only
Time: unlimited (subject to the maximum overall time of 5 minutes 30 seconds)
Practice 3 25m
5 shots kneeling
5 shots sitting
Time: unlimited (subject to the maximum overall time of 5 minutes 30 seconds)
Practice 4 20m
5 shots kneeling
Time: unlimited (subject to the maximum overall time of 5 minutes 30 seconds
Practice 5 15m
5 shots standing unsupported
Time: 10 seconds
Practice 6 10m
5 shots standing unsupported, one ring target, strong hand only
5 shots standing unsupported, the other ring target, freestyle
Time: unlimited (subject to the maximum overall time of 5 minutes 30 seconds)
All ammunition must be carried on the competitor’s person, either in a pocket or pouch. (i.e. belt loops, magazine pouches, etc. cannot be used). A pocket can be a pouch attached to a belt – as long as it’s of loose fabric, a hand can physically fit inside and ammunition is loose within the pouch, it is acceptable.
There should be no artificial inserts, sleeves, holders or stiffeners or any type of device that holds magazines inside or attached to the competitor’s ammunition pockets.
Magazines, Speedloaders and Moon-clips
A maximum of two pistol magazines may be carried on the competitor during the event. A maximum of one speedloader may be carried on the competitor during the event. As many moon-clips as wanted may be carried on the competitor during the event. Apart from at the start of the match where practice 1 requires a timed reload (therefore an additional loaded speedloader, magazine or moon-clip is required) only one active magazine may be in use (with no more than 5 rounds) at any time.
A holster must be used. The competitor may not use any form of timing device
Start position
Start position is the surrender position - hands held high either side of and at the level of the shooter’s head - or touching the shooter’s head. Between stages the clock will be stopped when the shooter’s pistol or revolver is holstered and hands returned to the surrender position.
After the initial order to load, all further loading must be with rounds taken from the competitor’s person. It is the competitor’s responsibility to have sufficient ammunition in their possession to complete the match or event. A dropped round, magazine, moon clip or speedloader may not be retrieved. After each practice is completed, the timer will not be stopped until the competitor has reloaded with five rounds and holstered the gun with the hammer down on an empty chamber.
The exceptions are after Practice 1 and Practice 6. The competitor must not reload, but instead must holster an empty firearm. The RO will clear the firearm after the timer has been stopped
The target will be scored at the end of Practice 1 and at the end of Practice 6 but not at the end of Practices 2-5