Teignbridge & District Fullbore Club © 2009-2025 All rights reserved     |     Terms of Use


The Granet


Any sights  (spotting scopes may be used)


Targets: 1 x PL17


Position:  Standing unsupported      Ready position:  45 degrees



1 series of 5 shots – the target appears 5 times, each time for 3 seconds with an away time of 7 seconds between each appearance; 1 shot only to be fired at each appearance


Practice 1 – 3  25m

2 series of 5 shots per practice. During each series, the target appears 5 times, each time for 3 seconds with an away time of 7 seconds between each appearance; 1 shot only to be fired at each appearance


Total rounds required 30 plus 5 sighters


Malfunction Allowances

If a competitor suffers a gun malfunction which results in fewer than 5 shots being fired, he may claim a Malfunction.  If the RO confirms that the malfunction is not the fault of the competitor, he may reshoot the series of 5 shots on the same target. At the end of the practice, the lowest-scoring 10 shots will count.

Typical causes of an allowable malfunction include misfires and failed extraction of spent cases.

No competitor may be awarded more than two malfunction series during any one event.